Ti Ta Travel Blog: London II - Where to stay

Wednesday 8 February 2012

London II - Where to stay

Depending on your preferences (and the size of your wallet) you can find accommodations on almost every street corner within London. I will mainly focus on the cheaper accommodations and how to get a good price/quality ratio.

First of all it’s important to think about what your plans are whilst visiting and what you want to do.
For first time visitors I would recommend to stay within the tube-zones 1 and 2, as these are the inner city and this is also where the majority of all the touristic attractions are located.
When you are within zone 2, you can reach almost every metro station within zone 1 and 2 within half an hour.

So make sure when you are looking for an accommodation that you are searching within one of these zones.

There are many good hotels within the north-west of the city, there are many cheap hotels within the neighborhoods, Bayswater, Paddington, and Kensington.
These neighborhoods are safe and are really close to the inner-city.

If you want to save some money on your accommodation try to look in the area’s a bit further away from zone 1.

Another way to get a good accommodation for only a fraction of the price, is to search for “Top Secret Hotels” this is a concept in which large hotels, such as Hilton and Holiday Inn offer their rooms for only a fraction of the price.

You need to state the rating of the accommodation either 3,4 of 5 stars and the neighborhood in which you want to stay. You will see the price per night, the amount of stars and the neighborhood.

Once you confirm and pay your booking you will receive the name and address of the hotel.  I have done this before and ended up in a Holiday Inn for 3 nights, paying only € 80,- in total.

This is a perfect way to get a good accommodation for a low price, however I would not recommend this concept for first time visitors.
Because you are unaware of your exact location, and you might have some difficulties getting to your accommodation.

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